The single most important thing you can do to attract the attention of a potential employer is to submit a resume that gets attention and sets you
Qualified Tech Candidates Prove Hard to Find
All over the country, the demand for qualified tech talent is soaring and the supply is simply not there to meet it. In Maryland and the mid-Atlantic
Staffing Firms Often Liable for Intentional Harm of Employees
It is one of the worst nightmares a staffing firm can face. A recently assigned temporary financial consultant physically assaults another employee in
The Next Generation of Employment Networking
Since the dawn of business, networking has been one of the most powerful and successful means of creating opportunities. With the maturity of the
The Languages of Staffing Opportunities
As the U.S. and global marketplaces continue to evolve, the ability to communicate in two or more languages has become an invaluable asset to both
Is Telecommuting Right For You?
Because of the routine use of e-mail, the Internet, fax machines, teleconferencing, and other high-tech solutions, many companies are allowing
Get Busy and Get Noticed
If you've been sending out resume after resume, applying for job after job, and you're not getting the kind of response you were expecting, obviously
Five Essential Qualities for Job Seekers
When employers interview job applicants, they are usually looking for certain specific qualities. Of course every career is different in terms of the
Government Staffing – Establishing an Identity
There may not be any single client that is more inviting to staffing firms than the local, state, or federal government. A staffing relationship with